Welcome to IU South Bend’s Office of the Bursar (Student Accounts). We are located in the Administration Building, and are responsible for timely and accurate information relating to student bursar accounts. We interact daily with students, parents, faculty, staff, and administrators as well as outside agencies. Our goal is to provide outstanding customer service while maintaining a high level of integrity, honesty and professional ethics. We are here for you. Your success is our number one priority and we will do whatever it takes to help you reach your goal – A Degree from Indiana University South Bend.
If you have questions regarding your bill, making payments, setting up a payment plan, or have questions about late fees, or tuition and fees appeals, email tsuccess@iusb.edu or call 574-520-5050 or visit Administration Building Room 146 for assistance.
If you have questions related to whether your aid/scholarship/loans will cover your bill, email sbfinaid@iusb.edu or call 574-520-4357 or visit Administration Building 170 for assistance.
If you are a sponsor requesting third party billing, please submit a billing authorization by going to https://one.iu.edu/task/iu/sponsor-voucherauthorization-for-outside-sponsor and choose ‘Sponsor’, click the displayed link, and complete the form.
If you are a student and your sponsor is paying for you, submit a sponsor authorization by going to https://one.iu.edu/task/iu/sponsor-voucherauthorization-for-outside-sponsor and choose ‘Student’, click the displayed link, and complete the form.
If you have questions about your Indiana state tax refund offset please submit your request via https://one.iu.edu/task/iu/state-tax-offset-inquiry-form
Payments can be made in the following ways: