Parking on campus requires a hang tag in all lots. Students, faculty, and staff will find designated parking lots located throughout campus. Vehicles displaying hang tags that are parked overnight will still receive a citation.
At Parking Services, you can:
• Obtain complimentary student hang tags (ST) and campus housing hang tags (CH)
• Buy or renew employee parking hang tags (EM)
• Pay parking tickets
• Pick up or turn in lost or found property
Contact our office
The Parking Services Office is located in Administration Building room 115
Hours of Operation
(574) 520-5528

Where to park on campus
You can find all parking locations, including bike racks on the IU South Bend interactive map.
Show me the mapLost & Found
Lost and Found is located in the Parking Services Department, Administration Building Room 115.
The Parking Office cannot guarantee that the property you lost will be found. All lost property will be held for a minimum of 1 month.
Exceptions: (Office staff is to use their own discretion)
All found property that may be a health/safety or security concern will be disposed immediately.
All property containing personal information (SS card, checks, debit/credit cards, birth certificates, etc.) will be kept for one week and then properly disposed.
For more information call 520-5528