Frequently Asked Questions
Many types of experiences can be utilized for internship credit as long as you are taking on a new learning experience that relates to your major or minor and you are working the minimum number of hours agreed upon with your Faculty Internship Coordinator. Just keep in mind that academic internships require that you learn how to apply your major or minor to the workplace, so no previous positions or current work assignments will apply.
You can get the process started by completing the Internship Information Request form. Once we receive your form, we will contact you to provide further information. If you decide not to pursue credit after you’ve started the process, don’t worry! You are under no obligation to complete the internship until you’ve registered for your internship class.
Submit your Internship Information Request form and we will follow up with you. To officially register for a for-credit internship you typically need to know the employer name, the position title, the start date (and end date, if possible) of your internship, your supervisor’s name and email, and how many credit hours you hope to fulfill. However, you can fill out the Internship Information Request form at any stage in the process to ask questions and get support as you seek your internship.
After you have located an Internship you are interested in pursuing, you will partner with the Faculty Internship Coordinator from the department where you are majoring or minoring by reviewing the list of Faculty Internship Coordinators.
Your Faculty Internship Coordinator will tell you what assignments will be required over the course of your internship. They will also ask you to complete a quick midterm evaluation and a final evaluation and track your work hours.
Once you have registered your internship, you will receive reminders from your Faculty Internship Coordinator in your IU email when it's time to submit your hours or complete your evaluations. (Please note: Our system doesn't allow for you to receive emails outside of your IU account)
As long as you give a proper notice or have a valid reason (such as family emergencies or medical issues) for leaving your internship before your requirements are completed, we will work with you to make sure you get your final grade. From the final date of the semester, you will have up to one year to find another internship opportunity to complete your work hours. You will not have to redo the work hours you’ve already completed, and you will receive credit for the time spent.
The academic course number is program specific, but the course title will include the word Internship. The Faculty Internship Coordinator you partner with will be responsible for submitting your grades at the end of the semester.
The internship program was designed to allow students and employers to begin and end internships at any point in the calendar year. The duration of your internship must overlap the beginning or the end of the semester in which you are receiving credit. For example, if you start your internship in the middle of the fall semester and it ends in the middle of the spring semester, you would have the choice of either semester to receive academic credit. For more specific questions, contact the Office of Professional Engagement.
Internship classes cost the same per credit hour as other classes, which also means they can be applied towards your flat fee tuition during the fall and spring semester. Just make sure you keep your total credit hours between 12 to 18 credit hours per semester. For summer internships, you will be charged per credit hour.
We offer the Engage IU South Bend Internship Stipend to support qualified students while they complete their unpaid internship at a non-profit organization. If you have questions or need help applying for the stipend, you are encouraged to contact the Office of Professional Engagement.