Indiana University South Bend
Office of Military-Connected Student Services
1700 Mishawaka Ave. Administration Building 101 South Bend, IN 46634
Contact: Rhiannon Carlson, Veteran Services Program Director
(574) 520-5233
Aiding veteran students in their transition back into college life.
Indiana University South Bend
The Learning Center
4th floor of Schurz Library
Offering drop-in tutoring. As tutoring days and hours vary by semester, refer to website for up to date information.
Indiana University South Bend
The Student Counseling Center
1700 Mishawaka Ave. Administration Building 175 South Bend, IN 46634
Contact: Kevin Griffith PsyD, Director
(574) 520-4125
Working to enhance student success by providing high-quality, short-term mental health counseling services. Offering free services, up to 10 sessions per academic year.
Veteran’s Opportunity: Certification through the center for Deployment Psychology for services to student veterans and military families.
Indiana University South Bend
The Writers Room
4th floor of Schurz Library
Offering drop-in tutoring. As tutoring days and hours vary by semester, refer to website for up to date information.
Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University
1202 West State St. Hanley Hall 210 West Lafayette, IN 47907
Contact: Lauren Runco, MS
(765) 496-6045
Founded in 2000, The Military Family Research Institute (MFRI) at Purdue University is a nationally-recognized organization that conducts research on issues that affect military and veteran families while working to shape policies, programs and practices that improve their well-being.
Veteran’s Opportunity: The MFRI offers the Focus Forward Fellowship Program designed to build skills, leadership, and a sense of community among female student veterans and military-connected women, The How to Help series, a series of publications that offer valuable evidenced based guidance and information to various audiences to help them assist and support members of the military, veterans, and their families. As well as partnering with the Center for Deployment Psychology to provide The Star Providers military culture trainings.
REAL Services
1151 S. Michigan St. South Bend, IN 46601
Contact: Latasha Bosse, Family Development Program
(574) 284-7107
Veteran’s Opportunity: REAL Services offers textbook assistance within the Family Development program