Indiana Native American Indian Affairs Commission (INAIAC)

Indiana Native American Indian Affairs Commission (INAIAC)

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The Indiana Native American Indian Affairs Commission studies and makes recommendations to appropriate federal, state and local governmental agencies in areas of concern to our state's Native and non-Native people and communities. The ultimate objectives are to bring the Native communities together, help identify and provide opportunities to the Native American community, and enhance social, cultural, community and economic development in Indiana.

Opportunities like this are made possible by the people of Indiana purchasing the Indiana Native American license plate. Other programs created by the license plate money include the education forum being offered to students during Native American Heritage Month, which will help them learn more accurate information about Native peoples.


The Scholarship Program will offer four scholarships in the amount of $2,500 each for the academic school year, and five scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each for summer school students.  The program is to begin with the 2016 summer school classes.


For more information contact Doug Poe at the American Indian Center of Indiana at (317) 917-8000 or visit the INAIAC website.

Indiana University South Bend

1700 Mishawaka Ave
South Bend, IN 46615
Phone: 574-520-4872