Addressing the healthcare talent attraction and retention crisis in the South Bend-Elkhart Region, through building partnerships.
Why a Partnership?
Within the South Bend - Elkhart region, we face a healthcare talent attraction, development, and retention crisis. During the summer of 2022, casual conversations were held among leaders across higher education and healthcare to better understand how the talent crisis has affected our region. The open discussion allowed for awareness of how many organizations and programs are currently affected by the crisis. These discussions sparked the idea of a regional partnership that offers collaboration across different sectors. To determine what a partnership might look like for our region, a Higher Education-Healthcare Partnership Summit was held in September of 2022. The information collected from the Summit led to conducting interviews with existing partnerships around the United States to understand what has made them successful in attaining their goals. At the start of 2023, discussions were held with representatives of various organizations in our community that are passionate about winning the war for talent. Stay tuned for more information as this exciting initiative takes shape.