Frequently Asked Questions about Centralized Advising
To better serve you, IU South Bend is creating a Center for Undergraduate Advising, located on the first floor of the Administration Building. The center will be staffed by professional advisors who are trained to provide you with the best advising experience. In January 2024, many undergraduate students will be reassigned to professional advisors in the center.
Below are some frequently asked questions about this transition.
The campus is establishing an advising center staffed by professional advisors in order to improve your advising experience. This new structure will:
Make it easier for you to find and connect with your advisor
Reduce the number of advisors you need to work with
Provide you the same quality advising experience no matter your academic program (or if you change programs)
You should see the advisor that is currently assigned to you. New advisors will not be assigned until after the spring 2024 semester is underway.
New advisors will be assigned on or soon after January 15, 2024. Students who are assigned to a new advisor will receive an email from that advisor with their contact information.
Most continuing undergraduate students who are currently advised by faculty will be assigned a new advisor in the center. All Biology majors (B.A. and B.S.) and some Psychology majors will continue to be advised by faculty in spring and summer 2024.
There will be no change in advisor assignments for:
Most of the students who are currently assigned to a professional advisor: new professional advisors have been hired in Health Sciences and Business, and some students in these program areas will be reassigned to one of these advisors.
Students who complete the fall 2023 semester with 90 or more credit hours.
Students in fully online programs.
Criminal Justice majors with junior status (60-89 credits) at the beginning of the fall 2023 semester.
All Biology B.A. and B.S. majors assigned to Drs. Ann Grens and Deb Marr
All Psychology majors assigned to Dr. Dennis Rodriguez
The center does not advise graduate students, who will continue to be advised through their academic departments.
All students will receive a communication about their advising assignment after advisors have been assigned. You can also find out who your advisor is by checking your Student Online Advising Record (SOAR) in Your advisor will be listed in SOAR, along with their contact information.
Your new advisor will be available to you as soon as they are assigned to you. However, the first time that most students will need to see their new advisor is in February/March 2024, when they select classes for the Summer and/or fall 2024 semester.
We want you to continue to get specialized information and guidance from your advisor, so professional advisors will focus on specific programs. If your advisor is unavailable, you can see another advisor in the center who has been trained to advise for your degree program. That advisor will communicate what they discussed with you to your assigned advisor to ensure that you received the best possible advice.
While you cannot request to keep your current advisor, you can still seek their advice! You should consider your current faculty advisor as your mentor who can help you explore opportunities to get more out of your degree program and to prepare for your goals after graduation. Your faculty mentor can still suggest courses to your assigned advisor, too.
The faculty-student relationship is extremely important, and often only faculty can provide you with the specialized knowledge in specific content areas that you need to prepare for your goals after graduation. For this reason, IUSB is developing a plan to formalize faculty-student mentoring. As it develops this plan, the campus will solicit input from various stakeholders including the Student Government Association to ensure that the structure for faculty-student mentoring meets students’ needs. You are always encouraged to seek mentoring from any professor, whether assigned to you or not.
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