The Indiana University School of Social Work, South Bend, is dedicated to educating professionals who will serve our community in schools, hospitals, child welfare agencies, mental health centers and other social service settings. Giving to social work scholarship funds supports the development of professionals who are deeply needed in our community to support children, families, the elderly, persons with disabilities, persons affected by mental illness, grief, loss, substance use, and those living without food or adequate resources. The Indiana University School of Social Work is a historic school that is the # 1 ranked school of social work in Indiana. Annually, South Bend social work students provide 82,480 hours of service to the community through their field internships. They graduate to remain in the community and to continue to serve others.
Karen Schram Davies Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Social Work
Gifts will support graduate student(s) enrolled in the Master of Social Work program at IU South Bend.
Daniel E. Stenberg Memorial Scholarship in Social Work
These gifts will be used to support scholarships for returning undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the School of Social Work at IU South Bend. The Scholarship is renewable.
Joann Phillips Masters of Social Work Alumni Scholarship
Income from gifts will support graduate scholarships in the Master of Social Work program at IU South Bend with special consideration given to underrepresented populations.