Monle Lee Advertising Scholarship
Gifts will support scholarships for students majoring in Advertising in the Leighton School of Business & Economics at IU South Bend. Additional requirements must be met for students to receive funding.
Robert N. Robinson Memorial Scholarship
Gifts will support undergraduate scholarships to students enrolled at IU Sound Bend with a junior standing and have a record of academic excellence.
George Wing Memorial Scholarship
Gifts will support scholarships for students in the Leighton School of Business & Economics at IU South Bend who have completed twelve or more credit hours in Economics or Finance.
Gerald E. Harriman Scholarship Fund
Gifts will support scholarships in the Leighton School of Business & Economics at IU South Bend.
IUSB Bureau of Business & Economic Research Fund
Gifts will support the Bureau of Business Economic Research at the Leighton School of Business & Economics at IU South Bend.
James Pattillo Memorial Scholarship
Gifts will support scholarships for students in the Leighton School of Business & Economics at IU South Bend.
Manohar D. Nasta Memorial Scholarship
Gifts will support scholarships to students in the Leighton School of Business & Economics at IU South Bend with a junior standing, a GPA of 3.0 on a 4 point scale, and an interest in the study of Management and Administration.
Jamshid Mehran Honorary Scholarship in Finance
Income from gifts will support undergraduate scholarships for Finance majors who are beginning their senior year in the Leighton School of Business and Economics at IU South Bend.
IU South Bend Annual Business Scholarships
These gifts will be used to support annual scholarships for undergraduate and/or graduate students in the Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics at IU South Bend.
John Swanda, Jr. Honor Fund
Gifts will support awards, fellowships, scholarships, and minor capital projects in the Leighton School of Business and Economics at IU South Bend.
IUSB Decision Sciences Fund
Gifts shall be used for general support of programs and activities of the Department of Decision Science, within the School of Business and Economics, at IUSB.
IUSB Division of Business and Economics Fund
Gifts shall be expended principally for those uses for which State funds are not available but which in the judgment of the Chairman of said Department of Business and Economics will contribute to the accomplishment of the objectives of the Business and Economics Division of Indiana University at South Bend.
IUSB Economics
Gifts shall be used for the general support of the Economics program and its students under the direction of the Dean of Business & Economics.
IUSB Entrepreneurship Fund
Gifts shall be used to meet the discretionary needs of the Entrepreneurship Program in the IUSB Division of Business and Economics as determined by the Dean.
IUSB Marketing Fund
Gifts shall be used for the general support of the Marketing program and its students under the direction of the Dean of Business and Economics.
South Bend Accounting Department Fund
Gifts shall be used for the general support of the Accounting Department at IUSB.
South Bend Graduate Business Fund
Gifts shall be used for the general support of the Graduate Business Department at IUSB.
Dr. Asghar Sabbaghi Business and Economics Scholarship
Income from these gifts be used to support undergraduate scholarships for students enrolled in a Business/Economics program in the Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics with a concentration in Management Information Systems (MIS).