Each year, you support the programs, departments, and scholarships that make IU South Bend a thriving center of learning and leadership. Your investment deepens the impact that IU South Bend has on the lives of your students.
Together we change lives
$3.319 Million+ Raised since the inaugural campus campaign
$79,000this year's goal
Your gift to the 2025 Campus Campaign is an investment
Any amount to any account
For a full list of relevant funds...
Support your favorite departments, scholarships, and capital projects. You may also do this through payroll deduction. Here are some examples of gifts that will enhance the campus:
IU South Bend Freedom Summer Class
Account# I320013915
In this intensively personal and academic experience, Freedom Summer students embark on a 14-day journey traveling to historic sites in the Civil Rights Movement and hear from its participants, experiencing this history first-hand.
IU South Bend Engage Internship Scholarship
Account# I320020050
Your gift to this scholarship enables students to pursue life-changing internship opportunities and gain professional experience in our region by eliminating the barrier of financial need. Students gain access to work experiences and skill development while increasing talent availability for non-profit and start-up organizations that help our region thrive.
IU South Bend Groups Program Scholarship
Account# I320016615
The Groups Scholars Program helps increase college attendance among first-generation, underrepresented students at Indiana University South Bend. The program provides academic, financial, and social support to help students earn a bachelor's degree.
To Learn more visit: https://give.myiu.org/iu-south-bend/I320016615.html